
The base of phasespace is the Particle object. This object, which represents a particle, either stable or decaying, has only one mandatory argument, its name.

In most cases (except for the top particle of a decay), one wants to also specify its mass, which can be either a number or tf.constant, or a function. Functions are used to specify the mass of particles such as resonances, which are not fixed but vary according to a broad distribution. These mass functions get three arguments, and must return a TensorFlow Tensor:

  • The minimum mass allowed by the decay chain, which will be of shape (n_events,).
  • The maximum mass available, which will be of shape (n_events,).
  • The number of events to generate.

This function signature allows to handle threshold effects cleanly, giving enough information to produce kinematically allowed decays (NB: phasespace will throw an error if a kinematically forbidden decay is requested).

With these considerations in mind, one can build a decay chain by using the set_children method of the Particle class (which returns the class itself). As an example, to build the \(B^{0}\to K^{*}\gamma\) decay in which \(K^*\to K\pi\) with a fixed mass, we would write:

from phasespace import Particle

B0_MASS = 5279.58
KSTARZ_MASS = 895.81
PION_MASS = 139.57018
KAON_MASS = 493.677

pion = Particle('pi+', PION_MASS)
kaon = Particle('K+', KAON_MASS)
kstar = Particle('K*', KSTARZ_MASS).set_children(pion, kaon)
gamma = Particle('gamma', 0)
bz = Particle('B0', B0_MASS).set_children(kstar, gamma)

Phasespace events can be generated using the generate method, which gets the number of events to generate as input. The method returns:

  • The normalized weights of each event, as an array of dimension (n_events,).
  • The 4-momenta of the generated particles as values of a dictionary with the particle name as key. These momenta are expressed as arrays of dimension (n_events, 4).
N_EVENTS = 1000

weights, particles = bz.generate(n_events=N_EVENTS)

The generate method directly produces numpy arrays; for advanced usage, generate_tensor returns the same objects with the numpy arrays replaced by tf.Tensor of the same shape. So one can do, equivalent to the previous example:

import tensorflow as tf

with tf.Session() as sess:
    weights, particles =

In both cases, the particles are generated in the rest frame of the top particle. To produce them at a given momentum of the top particle, one can pass these momenta with the boost_to argument in both generate and generate_tensor. This latter approach can be useful if the momentum of the top particle is generated according to some distribution, for example the kinematics of the LHC (see test_kstargamma_kstarnonresonant_lhc and test_k1gamma_kstarnonresonant_lhc in tests/ to see how this could be done).

Additionally, it is possible to obtain the unnormalized weights by using the generate_unnormalized flag in generate and generate_tensor. In this case, the method returns the unnormalized weights, the per-event maximum weight and the particle dictionary.

>>> particles
{'K*': array([[ 1732.79325872, -1632.88873127,   950.85807735,  2715.78804872],
       [-1633.95329448,   239.88921123, -1961.0402768 ,  2715.78804872],
       [  407.15613764, -2236.6569286 , -1185.16616251,  2715.78804872],
       [ 1091.64603395, -1301.78721269,  1920.07503991,  2715.78804872],
       [ -517.3125083 ,  1901.39296899,  1640.15905194,  2715.78804872],
       [  656.56413668,  -804.76922982,  2343.99214816,  2715.78804872]]),
 'K+': array([[  750.08077976,  -547.22569019,   224.6920906 ,  1075.30490935],
       [-1499.90049089,   289.19714633, -1935.27960292,  2514.43047106],
       [   97.64746732, -1236.68112923,  -381.09526192,  1388.47607911],
       [  508.66157459,  -917.93523639,  1474.7064148 ,  1876.11771642],
       [ -212.28646168,   540.26381432,   610.86656669,   976.63988936],
       [  177.16656666,  -535.98777569,   946.12636904,  1207.28744488]]),
 'gamma': array([[-1732.79325872,  1632.88873127,  -950.85807735,  2563.79195128],
       [ 1633.95329448,  -239.88921123,  1961.0402768 ,  2563.79195128],
       [ -407.15613764,  2236.6569286 ,  1185.16616251,  2563.79195128],
       [-1091.64603395,  1301.78721269, -1920.07503991,  2563.79195128],
       [  517.3125083 , -1901.39296899, -1640.15905194,  2563.79195128],
       [ -656.56413668,   804.76922982, -2343.99214816,  2563.79195128]]),
 'pi+': array([[  982.71247896, -1085.66304109,   726.16598675,  1640.48313937],
       [ -134.0528036 ,   -49.3079351 ,   -25.76067389,   201.35757766],
       [  309.50867032,  -999.97579937,  -804.0709006 ,  1327.31196961],
       [  582.98445936,  -383.85197629,   445.36862511,   839.6703323 ],
       [ -305.02604662,  1361.12915468,  1029.29248526,  1739.14815935],
       [  479.39757002,  -268.78145413,  1397.86577911,  1508.50060384]])}

It is worth noting that the graph generation is cached even when using generate, so iterative generation can be performed using normal python loops without loss in performance:

for i in range(10):
    weights, particles = bz.generate(n_events=1000)
    (do something with weights and particles)

To generate the mass of a resonance, we need to give a function as its mass instead of a floating number. This function should take as input the per-event lower mass allowed, per-event upper mass allowed and the number of events, and should return a tf.Tensor with the generated masses.

Following with the same example as above, and approximating the resonance shape by a gaussian, we could write the \(B^{0}\to K^{*}\gamma\) decay chain as (more details can be found in tests/helpers/

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from phasespace import Particle

KSTARZ_MASS = 895.81

def kstar_mass(min_mass, max_mass, n_events):
    ones = tf.ones((n_events, ), dtype=tf.float64)
    kstar_mass = KSTARZ_MASS * ones
    return tfp.distributions.TruncatedNormal(loc=kstar_mass,
                                             scale=ones * KSTARZ_WIDTH,

bz = Particle('B0', B0_MASS).set_children(Particle('K*0', mass=kstar_mass)
                                          .set_children(Particle('K+', mass=KAON_MASS),
                                                        Particle('pi-', mass=PION_MASS)),
                                          Particle('gamma', mass=0.0))

Shortcut for simple decays

The generation of simple n-body decays can be done using the generate function of phasespace, which takes

  • The mass of the top particle.
  • The mass of children particles as a list.
  • The number of events to generate.
  • The optional boost_to tensor.

For example, to generate \(B^0\to K\pi\), one would do:

import phasespace

N_EVENTS = 1000

B0_MASS = 5279.58
PION_MASS = 139.57018
KAON_MASS = 493.677

weights, particles = phasespace.generate(B0_MASS,
                                         [PION_MASS, KAON_MASS],

Internally, this function builds a decay chain using Particle, and therefore the same considerations as before apply. To avoid running the TensorFlow graph, one can set the as_numpy flag to False to get the graphs instead of the numpy arrays.